Monday, March 16, 2009

San Diego

I'm so excited. We are going to San Diego this weekend. I actually have a four day weekend....and didn't request it! Our head honcho was trying to balance out the call hours and I guess I was way ahead of the others so she fixed it up. I'm not complaining! We are already working about 60 hours more of call a month than normal, and that will continue until we get a new midwife.

Anyway, my mom and I, and the girls are heading to SD on Friday. We had planned this about two months ago. The main reason was to spread my stepfather's ashes in the ocean but then we decided it would be fun to do Sea World and take the girls. My mom is getting married this summer and I told her she really needed to resolve one husband before getting another! My stepfather loved the ocean and really liked San Diego - so there you have it!

I'm very excited to be getting away...getting a mini-vacation...going somewhere I have never been.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

I hope you are having a lovely time on holiday!