Monday, July 26, 2010


You guys make me wanna cry. The comments from the previous post are so wonderful. It makes me not want to give up up on public blogging. Will ruminate about it a bit more.

I had a beautiful birth recently. This little momma was having her first baby. I had met her only at a birth class recently. She came in in labor, was about 4cms, changing to 5cms after walking for an hour. She was contracting very regularly and mildly uncomfortable. She was kinda chilling in the tub, walking around, not doing a whole lot. After a few hours had gone by, I suggested checking her cervix with the possibility of breaking her water or sending her home if she wasn't changing. Unfortunately, she had not changed and did not want to go home. She agreed to getting her water broke, which we did.

Since she was fairly comfy I decided to head over to the office to see a few patients. I knew the patient would have the nurse call me when she needed me to be with her. About two hours later she was ready for me. The nurse had said that she didn't want to do anything like the tub or the birth ball. She was very opposed to moving, which was fine! I just sat with her. Finally, she seemed to be losing focus, crying instead. She asked me for something for the pain. I told her, let's check your cervix, if you are close then you just keep doing what you are doing. If not, then we'll discuss the options.

Woohoo - she was 8-9cms! So I encouraged her to get in the tub which she agreed to. However, she was unable to sit and felt better standing. She began to get more vocal after a few minutes of standing in the bathroom. Then I saw the first little pushes as she involuntarily beared (or bore down? That sounds weird too) down. Then she says "I feel something!"

She climbs into the bed and pushes, totally spontaneous, and I see a little bit of the head. Now, she was -1 station before she stood up! Woohoo - gravity rocks. She pushed her baby out in ten minutes flat :)

1 comment:

AtYourCervix said...

Births like these are so invigorating!!! Fantastic!

I had a recent primip who pushed over an intact perineum in under 10 minutes. LOVELY!